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Majithia V, Geraci SA. Rheumatoid arthritis: diagnosis and management. The American journal of medicine. 2007 Nov 1;120(11):936-9.Accessed on 11th February 2022. Available from: |
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Katz PP, Yelin EH. The development of depressive symptoms among women with rheumatoid arthritis the role of function. Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of Rheumatology. 1995 Jan;38(1):49-56.. Accessed on 11th February 2022 Available from: |
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Morgan AJ, Jorm AF. Self-help interventions for depressive disorders and depressive symptoms: a systematic review. Annals of general psychiatry. 2008 Dec;7(1):1-23. Available from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/art.23010 |
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Toll B, Rojewski A, Duncan L, Latimer-Cheung A, Fucito L, Boyer J et al. “Quitting Smoking Will Benefit Your Health”: The Evolution of Clinician Messaging to Encourage Tobacco Cessation. Clinical Cancer Research. 2014;20(2):301-309. Accessed on 11th February 2022 |
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Costenbader KH, Feskanich D, Mandl LA, Karlson EW. Smoking intensity, duration, and cessation, and the risk of rheumatoid arthritis in women. The American journal of medicine. 2006 Jun 1;119(6):503-e1.Accessed on 11th February 2022 |
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Khanna S, Jaiswal K, Gupta B. Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis with Dietary Interventions. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2017;4. Accessed on 11th February '22. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5682732/#:~:text=A%20diet%20including%20intake%20of,44%E2%80%9346%2C%2057 |
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Shapiro JA, Koepsell TD, Voigt LF, Dugowson CE, Kestin M, Nelson JL. Diet and rheumatoid arthritis in women: a possible protective effect of fish consumption. Epidemiology. 1996 May 1:256-63.Accessed on 11th February '22. |
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Riemsma RP, Taal E, Rasker JJ, Klein G, Bruyn GA, Wouters JM, Wiegman O. The burden of care for informal caregivers of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Psychology and Health. 1999 Oct 1;14(5):773-94. Accessed on 11th February ‘22 Riemsma RP, Taal E, Rasker JJ, Klein G, Bruyn GA, Wouters JM, Wiegman O. The burden of care for informal caregivers of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Psychology and Health. 1999 Oct 1;14(5):773-94. Accessed on 11th February ‘22 |
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